MRRS Bylaws



The name of this Society shall be the Milwaukee Roentgen Ray Society.


The purpose of this Society shall be to form a close association of the radiologists in Milwaukee and vicinity, to promote liaison of the radiologists with the Wisconsin Radiological Society, to advance the standard of local radiology and promote it as a medical specialty, to encourage improved and continuing education for radiologists and allied health personnel, and to maintain high medical and ethical standards in the practice of radiology. The primary interest of the Society shall be local problems and activities.


The Society is a Section of the Wisconsin Radiological Society, a Chapter of the American College of Radiology.


Section 1: Classes of Membership. There shall be the following classes of members: (1) Active Members, (2) Associate Members, (3) Junior Members, (4) Members in Physics, (5) Honorary Members, (6) Emeritus Members, and (7) Special Members.

Section 2: Personal Qualifications. Membership in the Society is a privilege, not a right, and it is contingent upon continuing compliance with these Bylaws. No person shall remain a member unless he or she is of good moral character and adheres to the Code of Ethics of the American College of Radiology.

Section 3: Qualifications of Active Members. Any diplomat of the American Board of Radiology, or its equivalent as determined by the Executive Committee, who is qualified to practice within the State of Wisconsin and is in good standing in the community is eligible for active membership.

Section 4: Qualifications of Associate Members. Any physician who has completed an approved residency in radiology, is qualified to practice radiology within the State of Wisconsin, and is in good standing in the community but is not qualified for active membership is eligible for associate membership.

Section 5: Qualifications of Junior Members. Any physician who occupies a radiology residency or fellowship in Wisconsin which is approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education is eligible for Junior membership.

Section 6: Qualifications of Members in Physics: Physicists who are certified by the American Board of Radiology and are in good standing in the community may be elected members in physics.

Section 7: Qualifications of Honorary Members. Honorary members shall be those individuals who have made a special contribution in the field of radiology or one of its components, and may include those actively engaged in scientific research in this field.

Section 8: Qualifications of Emeritus Members. A previously active member of the Society who has retired and is no longer in active practice of radiology is eligible for emeritus membership.

Section 9: Qualifications of Special Members. An active member may be moved to special member status upon recommendation by the Executive Committee under special circumstances.


Section 1: Admission. Each applicant for Active, Associate or Members in Physics categories shall make written applications for membership in letter form stating his/her professional qualifications, together with a list of his hospital, institution and professional affiliations, and shall state that such relationship is consistent with the Code of Ethics of the American College of Radiology. The application must be endorsed by at least two active members of the Society who shall certify that applicant’s qualifications for membership. Junior membership shall be granted to those trainees whose names are received from the Program Director of the residency or fellowship programs. Honorary, Special and Emeritus member status is granted by the Executive Committee as the occasion arises. Active members who desire reclassification into Emeritus or Special categories should so inform the chair of the Membership Committee in writing.

Section 2: Election. Election to membership shall be by voice vote or written ballot, requiring an affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the active members present and voting, providing that a quorum exists. Voting by proxy shall be permitted when presented in writing and shall also appear in the minutes of the meeting. Voting for new members may occur at any business meeting, providing that the Membership Committee Chair has announced the recommendations on all applicants at the meeting immediately preceding the meeting at which the vote is taken, or the Secretary has notified each active member in writing at least five days prior to the date of balloting.


Section 1: The right to vote and the right to hold elected office shall be limited to Active members.

Section 2: Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, Associate Members, Junior Members, Members in Physics, Honorary Members, Emeritus and Special Members shall be equally entitled along with Active Members to all other rights and privileges of the Society, including the privilege of the floor, membership on Committees (other than those limited to officers) and participation in all scientific and general sessions.

Section 3: The application fee, dues and assessments of Active Members, Associate Members and Members in Physics shall be established by the Active Members as influenced by the financial needs of the Society. Junior members may be assessed a nominal fee to cover cost of mailings. Honorary, Emeritus and Special Members shall pay no dues or assessments. All annual dues shall be payable within ninety (90) days after being levied.

Section 4: Active or Associate Members who are in arrears for dues for more than one year shall not be permitted to vote or hold office, and when in arrears for two years, they shall automatically cease to be Members in the Society.

Section 5: Resignation and Disciplinary Action. Any member of the Society may resign by submitting a letter of resignation to the Secretary.

Any member of the Society may be censured, suspended, expelled or otherwise disciplined upon an affirmative vote of not less than three-fourths of the Executive Committee, for violation of the Bylaws or Code of Ethics of the Society. Any disciplinary action shall be reported to the President of the Wisconsin Radiological Society.

Before any disciplinary action against a member is taken by the Executive Committee, written notice must be sent to that member by registered mail, return receipt requested,not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting of the Executive Committee at which the disciplinary action is to be considered. This notice shall state the complaint and inform the member that he/she may appear at the meeting of the Executive Committee at which the disciplinary action is to be considered. This notice shall state the complaint and inform the member that he/she may appear at the meeting of the Executive Committee in person or by representative and may submit such evidence as he/she deems proper to show that disciplinary action should not be taken against him/her. A copy of the notice shall be sent to each member of the Executive Committee at least thirty (30) days before the meeting.

A complete report of the meeting and testimony, signed by the President, shall be sent to the President of the Wisconsin Radiological Society.

A member who has had disciplinary action taken by the Executive Committee shall have the right to appeal such action to the Wisconsin Radiological Society Board of Directors.


Section 1: Officers. The officers of the Society shall be President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer. Each shall serve for a period of two (2) yeam. Terms commence on the day of election.

Section 2: Election of Officers. Officers and members at large of the Executive Committee will be elected every other year at the Annual Meeting in October. Election may be by voice vote or written ballot, if a quorum is present, with simple majority determining the person elected. The slate of officers is prepared by the Executive Committee, but nominations also may be made from the floor. President and Vice-President are not eligible for re-election.

Section 3: Vacancy. In the event of a vacancy in any office or among members at large on the Executive Committee, the Committee shall appoint a member to fill that vacancy until the next regular election.

Section 4: President. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Society and shall have the authority to call special meetings that are necessary to conduct the business of the Society. The President also presides over meetings of the Executive Committee. The President shall be a member of the Board of Directors of the Wisconsin Radiological Society.

Section 5: Vice-President. The Vice-President shall act for the President in the event of the latter’s absence or disability.

Section 6: Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a correct and permanent record of the transactions of the Society, conduct the correspondence, receive and account for the various funds of the Society, and perform the usual duties of a Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer shall present a report in writing at the Annual Meeting of the Society, as well as forward a copy of the minutes to the President and to the Secretary of the Wisconsin Radiological Society. The Secretary-Treasurer shall act for the President and Vice-President if they are both unavailable.


Section 1: Standing Committees. The Standing Committees of this Society shall be:

1. Executive Committee

2. Membership Committee

3. Hospital Relations and Insurance Committee

4. Program Committee

5. Public Relations and Political Action Committee

6. Bylaws Committee

Except as provided in Section 2 below, the President shall appoint all members of each committee and the chair of each committee. Term of office for committee chairs shall be the same as for committee members as specified in Section 9 below.

Section 2: Executive Committee. The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and immediate Past President together with three members elected from the Society at large. The President will chair the Executive Committee and call meetings as needed. The Executive Committee will undertake such duties as may be referred to it by the Society, study matters of policy and procedure related to the practice of radiology in this community, and present recommendations to the Society as a whole, and it has no power of action unless that power has been specifically given to it by the Society. It shall act for the Society between regular meetings of the Society, and shall have the power to take interim action not inconsistent with that of the general membership of the Society. One member at large shall be elected every two years at the time of election of officers for a term of office of six (6) years. The Executive Committee shall recommend a slate of others for election every other year.

Section 3: Membership Committee. The committee shall evaluate the credentials of the various applicants and submit the recommendation to the Society for action. Names of the members to be voted upon shall be read to the membership at the meeting immediately preceding the meeting at which voting occurs.

Section 4: Hospital Relations and Insurance Committee. The committee shall assist members in developing arrangements for the proper practice of radiology in accordance with the Code of Ethics of the American College of Radiology. It serves as an advisory board to give advice to members regarding hospital-radiologist relationships.The committee shall also endeavor by various means to further insurance benefits for radiology services.

Section 5: Program Committee. The committee shall plan the scientific programs of the Society.

Section 6: Public Relations and Political Action Committee. The committee shall act as a liaison with the Wisconsin Radiological Society and American College of Radiology in public relations activities pertaining to radiology in Southeastern Wisconsin. It shall also study state and national legislation pertaining to radiology.

Section 7: Bylaws Committee. The committee shall review the Bylaws of the Society to determine whether revisions are needed. Proposed changes in the Bylaws shall be sent to the Secretary to the membership thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered.

Section 8: Standing Committees. unless otherwise provided in Sections 1 through 7 above, Standing Committees shall consist of up to five (5) members, including the chair, appointed by the President for a term of two (2) years. Members and committee chair may be reappointed to additional terms at the discretion of the President.

Section 9: Special Committees. Special Committees may be created by the President or Executive Committee. The President shall appoint the chair and members of any special committees and shall provide the purposes and terms of the special committees.

Section 10: Committee Reports. Each committee shall report to the membership at the Annual Meeting, and a record of the reports shall be kept in the minutes of the meeting.


Section 1: Meetings. Four meetings are to be held each year, one each in the months of October, November, February, and March. The meetings are to be held on the third (3rd) Wednesday of these months at a place designated by the President. The Annual Meeting will be held on the third (3rd) Wednesday of October at the customary meeting place of the Society.  Notice of the meeting shall be mailed to the members by the Secretary no less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting.

When deemed necessary by the Executive Committee, a mail ballot may be conducted on an issue, particularly when meetings are not being held monthly. The Secretary-Treasurer shall poll all the Active Members on the issue in question by mail and shall tabulate the results to present at the next regular meeting.

Special meetings may be called (a) by the President when deemed necessary by the Executive Committee, or (b) by petition of one-fifth of the voting members in good standing. Notice stating the time, place and purpose of the special meeting shall be mailed to each member at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting. At a special meeting, no business may be transacted except that for which the special meeting was called.

Section 2: Quorum. The number of active members attending any meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business.  A quorum for the Executive Committee is four (4) members.

Section 3: Fiscal Year, The Society’s fiscal year shall be January 1 – December 31.


The ethics of the Society are the Code of Ethics of the American College of Radiology (ACR Bylaws, Article XIII).


Section 1. Amendments to these bylaws may be made at the Annual Meeting of the Society by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the eligible members present and voting, provided that a quorum exists. The proposed amendments must be circulated to the membership by the Secretary at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting. Amendments may also be made by written ballot any time during the year by a two-third (2/3) affirmative vote of the voting members.

Section 2. Amendments to the bylaws of the American College of Radiology, to the extent that they mandate change in the bylaws of the Society, shall be automatically incorporated into these Society bylaws, under direction of the Bylaws Committee.


In the event of dissolution or final liquidation of the Society, all of its assets remaining after payment of its obligations shall have been made or provided for, shall be distributed to and among such corporations, organizations and foundations organized and operating exclusively for scientific and education purposes consistent with those of the Society as designated by the Executive Committee.