Call for Officer Nominations

Call for Nominations for Election to MRRS
Biennial Secretary/Treasurer Call for Nominations
To be decided at the Annual Business Meeting – Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Milwaukee Roentgen Ray Society seeks an, energetic and enthusiastic member to become the next Secretary/Treasurer of the Society. If you are such a member or know a member who qualifies, please submit your nomination. There is minimal time commitment.

All recommendations for candidates must be submitted no later than October 13, 2021.

Call for Officer Nominations 2021

Registration Now Open for 2021 Annual Business Meeting

MRRS Meeting Registration

All meeting registrations are conducted online at

Meeting notices are sent via email; please ensure we have your correct email address.

Newly Elected Secretary & Treasurer

Milwaukee Roentgen Ray Society

Join us in welcoming our newest

MRRS Officers!

Stacy O’Connor, MD – MRRS Secretary
Stephanie Vincent-Sheldon, MD – MRRS Treasurer

The Secretary and Treasurer, shall act for the President and Vice-President if they are both unavailable.

The Treasurer shall keep a correct and permanent record of the transactions of the Society, conduct the correspondence, receive and account for the various funds of the Society, and perform the usual duties of a Treasurer.

The Secretary shall present a report in writing at the Annual Meeting of the Society, as well as forward a copy of the minutes to the President and to the Secretary of the Wisconsin Radiological Society.

Educational Speaker Meetings Going Virtual

MPORTANT MRRS NEWS: All 2020-2021 Educational Speaker Meetings will be conducted ONLINE via ZOOM.


Call for Nominations

Call for Nominations for Election to MRRS
Biennial Secretary/Treasurer Call for Nominations
To be decided at the Annual Business Meeting – Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Milwaukee Roentgen Ray Society seeks an, energetic and enthusiastic member to become the next Secretary/Treasurer of the Society. If you are such a member or know a member who qualifies, please submit your nomination. There is minimal time commitment.

All recommendations for candidates must be submitted no later than October 7, 2019.

Radiology Success in Numbers

The MRRS takes pride in providing informative world-renowned speakers who present high-level educational talks; along with a unique opportunity for Radiologists to meet with their peers from all Milwaukee Radiologist groups.

MRRS Educational Meeting November 2018

Since 1923 the MRRS’s goals have been to advance the developing science of radiology, establish and maintain high medical and ethical standards, and provide a forum for the advancement and the education of practicing radiologists. Decades later the Milwaukee Roentgen Ray Society still abides by these basic tenants.

Radiology Success in Numbers

The MRRS Educational Meetings are not only a good place to learn what’s new in Radiology field, it’s also the perfect environment to mix and mingle with your peers and people you have trained with, past and present.

MCW Body Fellowship Lineage

MCW Body Fellowship Lineage

Registration Now Open for the January Educational Speaker Meeting

MRRS Educational Meeting January 2018

MRRS Meeting Registration

All meeting registrations are conducted online at

Meeting notices are sent via email; please ensure we have your correct email address.

Registration Now Open for the November Educational Speaker Meeting

MRRS Educational Speaker Meeting November 2017

MRRS Meeting Registration

All meeting registrations are conducted online at

Meeting notices are sent via email; please ensure we have your correct email address.

Registration Now Open for the Annual Business Meeting

MRRS Annual Business Meeting 2017

MRRS Meeting Registration

All meeting registrations are conducted online at

Meeting notices are sent via email; please ensure we have your correct email address.